The Live at Choice Blog

Never give up on you.  No matter the circumstances there is always one more grander version of you waiting to be discovered.  It’s all about the discovery not the how that reveals the champion within! - Belanie Dishong

The Boomerang Effect: What You Give You Get Back

You’ve heard the cliché’s: What goes around comes around, Karma is a bitch, What you put out comes back ten-fold. Well I’m there to tell ya, it’s true! Life is like a boomerang effect. What you give, you get back. What You Give You Get Back in your Thinking What you think is what you…

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Everything Is Just Perfect!

Have you ever stopped to think that a mistake can actually be perfection? That every choice you make including the “good” ones and the “mistakes” have all gotten you to where you are now? But maybe you are in a place in life where something is not working. You feel stuck. You want to give…

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Canvas for Life. Painting Your Colorful Masterpiece.

I want you to imagine that your life is one giant canvas. And that canvas is made up of millions of different tiny puzzle pieces. And as you imagine all of these pieces of puzzle, imagine that some of them are colored in and full of life, while others are blank and yet to be…

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A New Beginning On Your Journey of Life

Up until now you’ve been cruising along the road of life. Petal to the metal and taking life and every twist and turn as they come……..but now it’s BRAKES ON! You’ve come to a proverbial “fork in the road.” Stuck, feeling like you don’t know which direction to turn, feeling like you can’t see the…

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You Could Have It All……It Already Exists On The Shelf Of Everything

What if I told you that you could have it all? That’s right: everything that you ever dreamed of is available and waiting for you on the “shelf of everything” Money in abundance, a fantastic career, a loving partner, your dream home, happiness, success, …….EVERYTHING!  You see, I teach that Everything is on the Shelf…

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what do I do

Are You Stuck and Wondering, What Do I Do Next?

I am overwhelmed! I can’t see past my current chaos! I have a million things to do and can’t get anything done! My to-do list is a mile long and yet I can’t answer the question: “What do I do next?” Sound familiar? Here’s the good news: Just take the next step. It’s the small…

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The Secret to Success Lies Within You!

Have you ever wondered about the secret to success? Why some people seem successful while others, perhaps yourself, seem to struggle with success? Well I have a secret for you: you are the creator of your own success! Any everything in your life is a product of that creation. Maybe you are saying to yourself,…

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Cherish Every Moment

Cherish every moment, there is no moment better than THIS moment to commit to living in the present.  Each and every hello, goodbye and everything in between can be filled with love.  You are not promised anything…you can’t count on one single moment more other than the one you are in.  That’s it! As fast…

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How To Overcome Procrastination

If you have chosen to read this particular blog…it may be because you find yourself putting stuff off, not wanting to do something or get something done.   Avoidance, resistance, procrastination…it’s all the same stuff.  And, what you resist, persists.  And it’s true.  Avoidance, resistance, procrastination…as much as you might want it to, it doesn’t…

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And the Winner Is….

How often have you looked at your life and thought… And the winner is ________, and you could fill in the blank with, That’s ME? Not because it’s some contest, but, because you are living the kind of life that you feel like a winner, you have succeeded in the areas of your life that…

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