The Live at Choice Blog

Never give up on you.  No matter the circumstances there is always one more grander version of you waiting to be discovered.  It’s all about the discovery not the how that reveals the champion within! - Belanie Dishong

The Problem is Your Perception

Is Your Perspective What’s Really Holding You Back In Life?

Perspective is the way you perceive something. Perspective is also the reason why a problem can be removed from our lives but we still struggle. Denise was married to a lazy, emotionally abusive man. She struggled with feeling worthless and lacking self-esteem and felt that he was to blame. When he left her for another…

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Why Positive Thinking is B.S.

Why Positive Thinking Is B.S.

If you’ve read an article on self-help or heard a personal development speaker, you’ve probably been exposed to the idea of positive thinking. This is the belief that “thinking positive” will somehow change your circumstances, your identity or your business. It sounds good in theory. You may have even heard, “If you change your mindset,…

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Making New Choices

Thanks for making the choice to be here today. You are here (literally and figuratively) as a direct result of the choices you have made up to this point. Yes! The sum of all of your previous life choices has you here, where you are now. That includes the good, the bad and thee ugly.…

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Letting Go Of Attachments

Hey you guys…..You may have heard of  a popular quote that’s been floating around for a long time: “Never get too attached to someone, because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments.” –author unknown  In this case, let’s replace the word someone with something or the outcome. The point is, that being attached is only…

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What Images Are You Developing? 

Is your life currently, all that you pictured it to be? Chances are, your response is a resounding: NO! Perhaps your life is a version of what you had imagined it to be when you were younger. Perhaps it’s nowhere near what you thought it would be. And for a few of you, perhaps it…

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4 Steps to Overcoming Upset

Overbearing and overpowering, this nasty thing called “upset” can really wreck havoc on our lives. I know personally when I am in “upset” I experience these very same feelings. Feelings you may very well be experiencing for yourself in this moment. More often than not, upset takes on a life of it’s own for ourselves…

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Peace of Mind(set)

Peace of Mind(set)

You are searching, searching, searching. Looking, looking, looking. Constantly in search of how to change something. Trying to figure out how to get something done. I want you to know that the way to get some peace of mind is to realize it’s available to all of us. Stop Searching! You know that chatter, that…

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Your Mindset is Your Friend

I want you to imagine, if you will, what it would be like if you were able to be really kind to yourself in the way you speak of yourself in your mind. Your successful mindset starts with the chatter you have in your own mind and moreover, the way in which you speak to…

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Look What All You (aren’t) Getting Done!

You wake up to the demands of a new day! Work, (for some of you) kids, the daily commute, baseball practice, preparing dinner, the laundry, the bills, the vacation plans…..the list goes on and on! But you have it all handled right!?! You are the Super Multitasker, able to juggle all of these and a…

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Procrastination: What Does It Mean About You?

What have you made procrastination mean? What have you made it mean about you? The definition of Procrastination: To defer or delay, to put off to another day. The problem is not in putting something off to another day. The problem isn’t really that you delay some completion to another point in time. The problem…

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