Letting Go Of Attachments
Hey you guys…..You may have heard of a popular quote that’s been floating around for a long time: “Never get too attached to someone, because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments.” –author unknown
In this case, let’s replace the word someone with something or the outcome. The point is, that being attached is only going to lead to disappointment.
In order to get through failure and disappointment it’s essential that we learn how to let go of attachment to outcome. It’s not easy. But it can be achieved. The question is how? Here are some things you can do to work on not becoming attached to something or an outcome:
Accepting What “IS”
Accepting that things are okay the way they are is a great place to start. Learn to accept the way a situation turned out is how it was meant to turn out and forget how you thought things should go. When you are able to be with what “is” rather than what you are attached to, you are able to accept and live in a place of peace.
Being Present
Don’t dwell in the past or think about the future, instead focus on being present and enjoying the moment. Make the most of what you’re doing. When you dwell on what you could have done in the past or what you could do in the future to change something, you’re still attached to that outcome. By practicing being present in the moment and making the most of it, you’re practicing detachment from an outcome.
Practice being grateful of everything around you, even if something isn’t going as you had planned. For example, who likes getting bills in the mail? Nobody. But instead of focusing on how if you had gotten that dream job you interviewed for (too attached to the outcome) paying the bills would be a breeze, instead be grateful that you have a job and can pay those bills.
Question yourself
This one is an important tip. When you find that you’re attached to an outcome question yourself why. For example, have you fallen into believing an illusion that if you had gotten that dream job life would be easier and you would finally be happy? Dig deep and figure out why you’re thinking the way you are.
Life is short; don’t spend it wasting your precious energy on something you probably have no control over anyway – the outcome of something. Sure, sometimes you can control it but most of the time you can’t. Keep practicing and eventually you’ll be able to let go of attachment to outcomes and find yourself being content, experiencing less disappointments and feeling happier.
NOW MY BIGGEST TIP OF ALL…. once you have released the need to be attached, gotten over the fear if loss, or at least made PEACE WITH WHAT IS, now let’s learn how to create what is next for you in your life. Life will be so good!