The Live at Choice Blog
Never give up on you. No matter the circumstances there is always one more grander version of you waiting to be discovered. It’s all about the discovery not the how that reveals the champion within! - Belanie Dishong
Today we are going to talk about something called willingness. Willingness is the state of readiness; being prepared to do something. In this discussion we are talking about when you are trying to accomplish something or looking for some change to come about in your life, or maybe it’s having a good day or just…
Read MoreYour mindset is always guiding you. It is your road map to life. Whatever you are thinking, at any moment in time, is the vibration of your thoughts, and that begins with your belief system. Your belief system is comprised of all the things you have learned that you hold as true and formed your…
Read MoreYou are selfish. Yes you! Let me ask you this….Do you choose to do things for others before you choose to do for yourself? Do you put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own? Yes, you are being selfish! In this video I tell you why this behavior is selfish and how you can change…
Read MoreDid you know your thoughts have a powerful ripple effect? Imagine each and every one of those thoughts as a pebble being dropped into water. Can you see the ripples each pebble creates? Imagine those ripples of rings spreading in the ocean far and wide, each ripple growing and expanding to all corners of the…
Read MoreWe all spend so much time in motion and being busy that somehow we never take the opportunity to be in a relaxed state and at a place of rest. When in a true place of relaxation, we can be more aware of how we feel and notice things you normally would not see or…
Read MoreHappiness is not a destination; it is not what you are truly after. What if I told you happiness is the byproduct of what you want. Watch this video to find the key to understand what you really want…and happiness will follow. WATCH VIDEO: So now you see that living your purpose becomes the key…
Read MoreHave you ever felt like the world is just sitting on your face, and you are consumed with trying to handle it all? Well, I get it, and there is a way out! I spent a big chunk of my life feeling this exact same way. Then I figured out how I could change…
Read MoreI do believe that you are extraordinary, no matter how you happen to see yourself. You see, extraordinary is an experience, and when you are present to that experience, you will be and do extraordinary things. The things that you do only adds to the extraordinary that you “already are.” I have provided this visualization…
Read MoreStop Living Comfortably in the Struggle I have heard more times than I can count, about one’s continual struggle with an issue. It reminds me of a saying that is often attributed to Albert Einstein, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. It can be…
Read MoreYou’ve tried and tried to “think positive” and it hasn’t worked. You’re exhausted and wondering what to do now. Aren’t you tired of trying so hard? What if you could uncover the actual problem? Often, we think our thoughts are the problem but that’s not true. Your thoughts are a symptom of the problem. The real…
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