Some Facts on Appreciation!
Some Facts On Appreciation!
Appreciation has an energy all it’s own. This energy has a vibration. All life is energy and all energy has a vibration frequency. All things material, solid or immaterial (thoughts and feelings) all have vibration.
It’s easy and acceptable for us to relate to the vibration of music. One part of its detection is through the vibration that the hearing world experiences as sound. However, I have a deaf son-in-law and three deaf grandchildren. They recognize music as a physical vibration. And let me tell you they can dance to the beat without ever hearing a sound!
My point here, is that all energy has vibration and can be measured. The movie “What The Bleep Do We know” demonstrates the effect appreciation and non-appreciation had on distilled water. You will be amazed…
In this demonstration alone I can see the impact that people have one to another as well as what we are doing collectively with like thoughts.
Appreciation is not about doing but rather about being. Whomever we are being in our beliefs and thoughts, can be received by others through our energy’s vibration!
Yea Belanie!! Those videos are so powerful. Thanks for sharing. I need to watch that movie. Awesome blog!