The Choice is Yours

Let me start by saying, jumping into action from distraction is a simple mindset tweak and the choice is yours. How often does life get interrupted by the chaos of circumstances around you? Do you ever get stopped in your tracks after hearing someone talk about something that has nothing to do with you? You hear it or see it and then BAM! Your mindset is then being guided by these external circumstances that you may or may not be involved in.


In this video I told you how you can stop being distracted by the things going on around you. They are not serving you. I told you how you can start focusing on the things that will take you towards the successes you truly desire in life. You can change your mindset to go from distraction to action…the choice is yours!

Want to learn more about staying on track and reaching the successes you want in life? I offer you the opportunity to incorporate more mindset support such as this and much more.

Creating Mindsets For Success gets you started on creating a new path to: 

  • Start each day with clarity.
  • Make choices and decisions more confidently.
  • Approach challenges without fear.
  • Focus and stay on track to reach your goals.
  • Trust yourself though your decision making.
  • Be less resistant to trying new things.

You will learn the impact of your mind chatter, free yourself up to make goals and realize the results you are aiming for. 

Join me on the Creating Mindsets For Success Live Stream…and start loving more of life.

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Creating Mindsets for Success – Live Stream to Help You Master Your Mindset and Become a Happier, Richer, and more Powerful person.


  1. Dominique on August 31, 2021 at 1:41 pm

    This is so true. I have to reclaim my focus — I had gotten so distracted while my children were home that getting work done was a distant hope. I am now focusing on finishing the edit of my novel and getting my products out. Reclaiming my mindset of success! Great post!

  2. Martha on August 31, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    I can very easily tune distractions out, It’s kind of like decluttering my mind like I do with the house!

  3. Lily Leung on August 31, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    Thanks for this post and video. I’m going to stop using the word ‘trying’ and see what happens. I’m easily distracted. I am sure electronics has a great deal to do with it. I’m going to cut back on that, too.

  4. Jojo Reyes Jr on August 31, 2021 at 9:12 pm

    It’s nice of you to share your perspectives about mindset.

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