Self Care
Sick and Tired of Being Out Of Balance?
It is astounding how often it seems people are in need of balance in their lives. The need is usually expressed as, “I need more life-work balance,” or “I am exhausted from all I have to do for others.” Regardless of the words used, it is truly coming from feeling over-spent and under-nurtured. It springs…
Read MoreCaring Can Be Harmful
Many of us have been in a care-taking role in our lives for a loved one, be it a spouse, sibling, child, pet or parent. There’s nothing wrong with taking care of others, but when it is done at one’s own expense, it can quickly explode into a huge problem. Have you ever met…
Read MoreAfraid I Wasn't Working Enough
by Brian Berry-Berlinski Live At Choice Starfisher Coach In the days before I became a father to my adopted children, I had a job that I just loved, but I had some fears about whether I was working enough. I had to prove myself to others that I was indispensable, worthy of…
Read MoreHave You Lost Your New Year’s Resolutions?
by Roseanne Peña, Live At Choice Starfisher Coach Is there something you’ve been thinking of doing and haven’t taken action to get it done? Have you ever felt overwhelmed to the point of getting stuck or resigning not to do anything at all? I have, too, and I’d like…
Read MoreAre You a CARE “TAKER” or Just a CARE “GIVER?”
Self-care is a way of being. A care “TAKER” in this article is someone who: Takes time for spiritual reflection Takes time for journaling Takes time for his or her self each day to find peace and joy Takes time in their calendar for eating sitting down at a table with family and…
Read More8 Best Ways I Know to Chill Out – And Reduce Holiday Stress
8 Best Ways to Chill Out – And Reduce Holiday Stress I decided this year to find all the ways possible for me to Chill…Reduce Holiday Stress… just have the holidays be FUN! I have spent most of my adult life with a huge focus on things being perfect: decorations, parties, gifts, wrappings, and…
Read MoreBeen Too Busy For Me
All of us have long “to do” lists, daily demands, and busy agendas. Have you ever noticed that YOU are the last priority on your agenda? Finally, I can now say I am free to put myself on my own agenda (read my latest blog on Self Care called “Vacation or Just Sick…
Read MoreVacation or Just Sick Time?
I could hardly wait for this past week off. It has been planned and I have been looking forward to it for two months. I was to spend one whole week in Santa Fe in a beautiful home, and that week was just for me and 2012 business reflection. I did not plan to…
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