What Are We Sacrificing?

As I have continued to ponder the possibilities of appreciation I have come to look at people during their everyday life with a new awareness.  People are really hurting out there due to the lack of appreciation.


Last week I was on a flight to Florida to speak at a conference and I had decided to speak on the topic “The Magic of Appreciation.”


I overheard two women seated next to me on the plane.   One was just returning from a conference for teachers and out of the blue she said, “Sadly enough, the main topic of discussion among all the teachers was how they felt so unappreciated.”


WOW, right on my topic, I find it interesting she did not say it was money, or the fear of loss of their job.  No, it was “not feeling appreciated”.


It left me with this inquiry…wonder what it would be like for our children and their education, if their teachers just felt appreciated?


Pondering this possibility…


  1. doug on October 6, 2011 at 11:10 am

    I read all of your blogs on appreciation and want to tell you how powerful they were for me. I got it to a whole new level of the power of appreciation. Thank You

  2. Robin Ciresi on January 26, 2012 at 3:11 pm

    To live a life of experiencing being LOVE,FORGIVENESS and THANKFULNESS is EVERYTHING. What an Awesome feeling to not live in resignation, but to be the power and greatness of one.

    Thank you Belanie what a beautiful soul you are 🙂

    Robin,starfisher trainee

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